Title: Spider-man: The Lizard Sections
The deadly Lizard is on a rampage, through Florida Everglades, as he seeks a cure for his hideous condition. A heartbeat away is the alien symbiote known as Venom, targeting the Lizard for death, and he won’t let anyone stand in his way.
Peter Parker, the amazing Spider-man, is also in Florida to cover the next space shuttle launch for the Daily Bugle, Disaster strikes when he discovers that his two lethal foes are running wild in the Everglades, just as the launch is sabotaged by a group of sinister mercenaries!
Why is Venom hunting Lizard? And who are the mercenaries about to wreck havoc in southern Florida? What is their connection to the Lizard’s search for a cure?
Author: Diane Duane
Price: $11
condition: 4/5
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